
Uttarakhand IT Traders praise State Govt

DQW Bureau
New Update
Uttarakhand IT Traders praise State Govt

Under BJP regime Uttarakhand channel partners seems happy. BJP govt came into force in March of this year and hence brought so many business projects. The IT market was waiting for this moment from past so many years. The UITTA (Uttarakhand Information technology Association) is also working actively into the government projects.


So the current situation as of now is bullish in the region because of the much involvement of government and the association. Talking to The DQ Week, The UITTA secretary Shekhar says, ‘The market is changed after March. We are getting more business opportunities as the number of government projects are lined up, which are related to laptops and desktops for education sector. ’

‘We are also doing so many efforts for the trader’s society like we had one GST event, we had various camps also for partners,’ Shekhar adds.

Vikas Dewan of Strategic Markets says, ‘BJP government has created the positive atmosphere and we are getting involved in lots of government projects. This is very good for our business. All though the retail market’s graph came a little down but if we look into the whole situation, we are in the better condition as of now.’


 Commenting on the scenario, NK Sharma of Intech Infosys says, ‘We traders are thankful to UITTA, for the efforts they have made whether it was the last year’s demonetization disaster or the GST implementation period. They have very actively managed the situation and now also we are expecting the best from our association.’

‘Uttarakhand IT traders are really happy with the new government as it brought the business projects for us especially in the education sector for the laptops and desktops.’ Sharma adds.
