Udaipur Computer Traders Association will organize Diwali Mela along with Mini IT Expo in the first week after Diwali, in which they will showcase their latest technology that has entered the market or will be marking its entry soon. It will be a win win situation and will be beneficial for both customers and dealers. This exhibition will give them an opportunity to learn something new and also this will lend both the customers and fraternity of dealers due exposure.
There was also a meeting that involved Tally which took place on 16th of September at Udaipur. It was a general business meeting and the major topic to be discussed was GST ( Goods and Services Tax). The gathering also took place to educate the association members regarding GST and what steps are needed to be taken in order to improve the market state of affairs.
On the issue of online market Mr. Anoop Srivastava, President UCTA informed the DQ Week, “Laptop sale boosts after a long struggle with online market , the threat of online market decreased. Now a days IT is not affected as much as other market is going down.”
On the topic of schemes given by channel partners and company to customers, Mr. Anoop said, “Sustaining is must, Schemes always plays a vital role, sometimes to boost the sale or sometimes just to stay in market. Schemes also plays a major role in generating revenue”.