
Red Zone Lockdown should be limited to Affected Wards Only - IAMAI

Archana Verma
Updated On
New Update
Red Zone Lockdown should be limited to Affected Wards Only - IAMAI

Red zone remains strictly prohibited as Lockdown continues , eventhough there have been relaxations in  communications, movement and online supply of goods in  Green and Orange zones. Especially the  online retailers, many of them SMEs, have suffered great losses as they are not able to supply IT and electronics online in the Red one. It must be remembered that majority of online commerce is in IT and electronics and in the metro cities, most of which fall in the Red zone.


DQ Channels has been  on the forefront to break the news about this issue in last several weeks.

In its series of releases about the difficulties faced by the online delivery in Red Zone, the IAMAI has issued a new  release, focusing on the issue of limiting the affected wards in the Red Zone and not the entire districts.

Developing upon the speech by  Narendra Modi on 12th of May, that the new version of lockdown would be different from the previous ones, IAMAI has suggested that the demarcation  under the next phase of lockdown  should be based on wards in municipal areas and not whole districts.


IAMAI further suggested that free movement of goods and services should be allowed in and between all wards in municipality areas which are not marked as red  shops and establishment should be allowed to open under strict operating guidelines; free movement of people should be allowed under strict guidelines to wear mask and follow other health and safety procedures to maintain social distance.

The association pointed that the bulwark of containment is being enforced by the states and local authorities like Municipalities, who are better equipped to operate at Ward levels given their administrative mechanisms are designed at those levels. This will help states free scarce resources from wards less affected and those wards marked as red will then receive concentrated attention of the local authorities. With better coordinated quarantine and supply of essentials, these places will possibly become contamination-free faster and help break the contagion chain reaction.

IAMAI stated that restrictions at district level is too broad a canvas that severely hinders economic revival as well. The association highlighted that industries and establishments are finding it difficult to resume activity as restricting entire districts restrict large section of population, that affects resumption of workforce and market access. Focusing at ward levels will help ease critical economic resources and allow market dynamics to resume normalcy.


