
RCTA holds annual meet

DQW Bureau
New Update


Traders Association (RCTA) recently held its General Body Meeting
(GBM) at Hotel Las Vegas, Jaipur. This was the first GBM since the
new team took charge. At the meet, all committees presented their
report card separately to the house.

Arinjay Jain,
member, Vendor Distribution Coordination Committee (VDCC) said, “The
committee has resolved all the pending warranty issues related to SES
distributor on Samsung hard drives. Moreover, RCTA has decided to
organize an annual expo during October-November 2011.”

According to Deepak
Sharda, secretary, RCTA, “At the meet, we distributed ID cards and
guidelines in Hindi to our RCTA members. The other decision, which we
took during the meet was to educate customers through radio. The
Jaipur market has been crippled with defaulters, therefore, we are
planning to broadcast about our association on FM channels. The
message will be to educate customers o
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rom RCTA.”


The association is
also working on revamping its website. Moreover, the association has
requested its members to have their presence on RCTA's Facebook
page. The association has around 205 registered members. “In July,
our website will be ready and a hosting program will be launched. We
are making our site more interactive so that information about trade
can be shared with our members through the website. All defaulters'
names will be highlighted. Members will have their own forum for
discussion,” said Sharda.
