
LinkedIn Bets on Video Strategy to Boost Usage

DQW Bureau
New Update
LinkedIn Bets on Video Strategy to Boost Usage

LinkedIn is always trying to woo its professional users, as it is one of the most popular business networking tool it has to constantly evolve. Now, Microsoft ownedLinkedIn is trying to add more users to its network by introducing video support. The site is launching a new feature that lets a user upload any video to the site, via the LinkedIn iOS and Android app.


As we all know, that video is going to play a pivotal role in the present and the future form of information gathering and distributing. LinkedIn’s Android and iOS apps support video uploads, but there’s no live streaming support available at launch.

According to the Microsoft-owned LinkedIn, users can create and upload videos that highlight their professional work, including projects, products and other work-related videos that highlight your potential.

After you post a video, you can see audience insights such as the top companies, titles and locations of your viewers, as well as how many views, likes, and comments your videos are receiving. With these insights, you can begin to understand if you’re reaching the people and companies that matter to you. You can find audience insights in the dashboard section of your LinkedIn profile on both mobile and desktop. The testing of the video feature has begun last month.


You can find audience insights in the dashboard section of your LinkedIn profile on both mobile and desktop. The testing of the video feature has begun last month.

The video feature will be integrated into the iOS and Android apps in the coming weeks. So, just like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, looks like LinkedIn may jump into the LIVE video bandwagon in future aswell.
