
JCDA has reshaped in new body after long wait

New Update
JCDA has reshaped in new body after long wait

After waiting for couple of years, election for the formation of new executive body member of Jammu Computer Dealer Association was conducted on 30th May, 2015 at hotel Asia, Jammu. The elections of JCDA were due in December 2012, but due to certain internal issues of members kept on postponing.


Jammu Computer Dealer Association has been now reshaped and formed after elections with heavy voter turnout, almost 90% members of the association casted there votes to give reunite the members of JCDA. Total of 125 members of JCDA casted their votes.

Three election commissioners, Aditya Gupta, Rajesh Mahajan and Rakesh Badyal supervised whole the process of election. Counting of votes started immediately after that and in about an hour, result were announced by commissioners.

Dikshit Gupta has elected as new president of JCDA and other members like Naveen Gupta Org. Secretary, Pranav Bhagotra (Treasurer), Rajan Gupta (Vice President), Rajeev Majotra Gen Secretary has won on their posts.


Dikshit Gupta, newly president, JCDA said “I thanked to all members and congratulate to all for the success of this event. This is the first time in JCDA that such like heavy voting, support and contribution has given by all members. I will assure the newly elected team would leave no stone unturned for the betterment of JCDA”.

Rajeev Magotra, gen. secretary JCDA added, “Our association has won once The DQ Week award for best association. Our association went through a very rough phase this time reunion became possible by intervention of some senior members”.



