CONFED-ITA organized a cricket championship on 21-22 February 2015 at Trichy Tamil Nadu. All members of IT associations under Confed participated in it. Seventeen teams participated in the tournament from across Tamil Nadu.
This is a friendly tournament and all members will take part being a part of CONFED- ITA family. Teams which participated were registered under ‘All District Associations Cricket’. A per-registration was held till 31 January 2015 and then teams from various districts were finalised.
Participating teams were Karur kita, Tirupur TITA, Thiruvannamalai TVMITA, Kannyakumari KKDCDA, Theni ITAT, Trichy ACT, Tuticorin CTAT, Pondichery ITTA-P, Thanjavur TAN-ITA, Chennai–SNEHA, Erode EDITA, Salem SITA, Namakkal NDITA, Dindugal COSWAD, Coimbatore CITA, Tirunelveli CDAT, Vellore– VAIT.
On both days matches began at 7a.m. and all teams were given refreshments. Besides CONFED–ITA also maintained that it’s a friendly match and winning or losing is a different thing whatever happens we are friends always’.