
Compuage Infocom and K7 takes 1000+ of its channel partners to Bangkok and Pattaya

DQW Bureau
New Update
Compuage Infocom  and K7 takes 1000+ of its channel partners to Bangkok and Pattaya

Compuage Infocom had launched a channel incentive program for Oct and Nov 2016 on K7 Antivirus Products where in a channel partner can win a 2N3D tour to Pattaya upon purchase of K7 Antivirus products. The incentive scheme saw a huge response and saw more than 1000 partners qualify. This was the first in the history of the industry where in an It company has taken 1000+ partners for an international incentive tour.


“This was the first incentive program that we ran for K7 antivirus products after the resurgence of the brand that has been brought around by us. The objective was to reach out to the maximum channel partners and come out with a bang and passing the message that we are back and we are here to stay. There has been a lot of investment from our end to grow the brand and the business for K7 antivirus products in terms of thought process, efforts and initiatives. We are focussed on channel partners who are the key to our success, there will be lot of such initiatives which will be launched in the future from time to time and ensure profitability as well.” said Bhavesh Mehta, COO, Compuage Infocom Ltd.

Compuage Infocom Ltd. and K7 Antivirus recognised the most performing partners during the Gala Dinner Night and awarded them with a personalised laptop and a trophy, the partners who out performed were Trident –  Siddharth Pasricha, Delhi; Memory World – Anil Bothra, Coimbatore and Creative Computers –  Sachin Bansal, Lucknow.

“Along with offering the best of schemes to our resellers and dealers, it is our pledge to Secure Digital India and we are trying to keep pace with the increasing need to digital security for the Digitally Developing Country like India. Currently there is Antivirus premium and Total Security products which are offered to channel, soon we will be offering Total Security Plus as well and establish a strong security base.” Added Bhavesh Mehta, COO, Compuage Infocom Ltd.


Compauge Infocom is also working on such incentive program to be launched soon apart from the incentive programs which currently ongoing in the channel market.

