
CMDA Hosted Business Informative Session in Delhi

CMDA-Delhi assembled a business informative session on March 16, 2024, at the Indian Habitat Center. The distinguished speaker for the event was Mr. Rajiv Chawla, Chairman of IamSME, who explained government-provided SOPs under the MSME scheme.

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CMDA Hosted Business Informative Session in Delhi

CMDA Delhi Business Informative Session

CMDA Delhi (Regd) or Computer and Media Dealers Association assembled a business informative session on March 16, 2024, at the Indian Habitat Center. The distinguished speaker for the event was Mr. Rajiv Chawla, Chairman of IamSME, who explained government-provided Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) under the MSME scheme, along with addressing the contentious payment issues encountered by entrepreneurs. The event garnered significant attendance from media personnel, as well as executive body members from PCAIT and CAIT. Following the informative session, attendees indulged in a convivial evening replete with delectable cuisine and melodious music.


Mr. Rajiv Chawla, the eloquent speaker, talked about his own journey in the business world and how with that he learned to sail the boat. He leads the IamSMEIndia, a center or organization that assists business owners with all the legalities. They spread awareness about various subsidies and grants available for MSMEs and SMEs.
