
Aircel 4G launched in 4 circles of East and South India

Aircel has launched its 4G LTE service in four circles- Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Odisha.

DQW Bureau
New Update

Aircel has launched its 4G LTE service in four circles- Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Odisha.


With this launch Aircel is now operating in all three technologies 2G, 3G and 4G. It holds 20MHz of spectrum in 4G LTE 2300 MHz band across eight circles such as Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam and North East and Jammu and Kashmir.

This means, Aircel launched 4G LTE services in half of the telecom circles where it has BWA license.

Aircel received the BWA (broadband wireless access) spectrum in 2010. With the 4G launch, Aircel has become the second operator to launch 4G India. Bharti Airtel is the first telecom operator to unveil 4G on TD-LTE technology in Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune and Punjab.


However, the details regarding prices were not released. But it was informed that they will be competitive. After their launch of 4G services Aircel has become second after Airtel to launch these. But Airtel 4G has been launched for a select few devices and does not have presence in circles like Aircel.

Anupam Vasudev, chief marketing officer, Aircel, said, "The parameters that will differentiate Aircel 4G LTE services include customized offerings with a quick turnaround time for deployment of services to Enterprise and Home customer, beating existing industry standards."
